Stupid Pictures of Nothingness

This is M then B from left to right.  Beautiful blonde and crazy girl in sparkly purple dress!


This is B and K from left to right lol We found the cutest kitty cat on Easter!


This is B and M from left to right lol another picture of the cute kitty cat we found on Easter!


Thats the whole gang :) Its K and B and M in that order lol We're on vacation in this one.


That'd be M and K building a home for crabby and clammy!


This is a picture of the sand castle K and mama made together when they went on one of their vacations last summer. They went to the beach when they made it.


Alright this is M then grandmama then K then B then mama on the end.  We're all pretty fried in this picture thank god you can't tell :)


This is M, then K, then B in that order. We are letting the waves wash up on us at one of our vacations last summer. We are all sinking into the sand. It felt nice on our feet sinking into the sand of summer.


Thats M on one of our vacations last summer.


This is K at her birthday last year.  B is in the background lol


This is B at K's birthday last year.  K is in the background lol


This is K opening a present next to her friend Kristina and M's friend Kennedy.  M is also in the background about to sip some coke lol


Now M is sipping the coke! lol


Doesn't K look like she's on a commercial for strawberries? :) lol


Ha this is M's before picture.  She doesn't always look so funny though.


Now this is her after shot.  Cute little thing :)  I (B) did her make up and hair and all that.


This is fadda with his beard in a ponytail.  Its rather amazing if we do say so ourselves.


This is KMB! Its us right before B left for home one time.  Wrong order though lol BMK


were pretty hardcore lol you would have to be there.


DUDE! Does that not look too cool?


PEACE! Beware my birdly features in the face!


OMG to cute! yes this is K. this is model picture 1. notice the butterfly on her arm.


model picture 2! this is K's favorite.


B's Henna tattoo lol not really.

Today (June 13, 2008), our Granny Mae (great grandma) passed away. In her honor I, M, made this for her on She was 94 years old. Im sure she would appreciate this.


The whole gang of cousins last year at Easter. Its M and K and Steph and Rach and B and Aaron in the front and that one kid and Jessica in the back. If you look really close to that fuzball on the plant, it's really grandmama's head!



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